Monday, October 18, 2010

What Really Bugs me on Campus

What really bugs me on campus? Parking.  I can’t remember a time where parking was smooth sailing.  Living down in Narragansett forces you to leave your house at least an hour before class if you want any shot at finding a spot.  It fires me up every morning when I turn down upper college road and begin my journey to the fine arts commuter lot.  As I drive around aimlessly seeking out people walking to their car, I begin to wonder if the President ever considered these issues.   I can speak with confidence that I’m sure every URI commuter feels the same way.  The lots are not big enough, very far from the buildings, and very congested. I borderline fight people to get a spot and that is not a good reflection of who I am.  I do not like to be a confrontational person, but the parking situation has really outraged me.  URI allows freshman to bring their cars for a small fee of $200.  I feel this is part of the reason the parking is so out of hand.  Most colleges encourage students not to bring their cars, whereas URI seems to have no issue with it making it harder for those who actually need to drive to campus.  If the president were to help us off campus students with one thing, please let it be parking.  My parents are paying an obscene amount of money for out of state tuition, plus a parking pass and I can’t give them any reassurance that I’m going to have a spot.  Although this is my last year I feel the board should address this issue as one of the main problems at The University of Rhode Island. 

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